Sniggles Daily

The daily antics of the Sniggles, Snoggles and Snorts

Worsthorne School Visit

A fabulous World Book Day 2023

January Rebranded

Turn that frown upside down. January doesn't have to attract Glooms. I know we can all feel a bit dark, dismal and down in the dumps but January is in fact a fabulous month and I think it needs rebranding. Early daffodils are already starting to bloom and snowdrops are on the way. Bulbs are being planted, fed and nurtured ready to come out in full force in spring. January is our time to feed and nurture. Stay in doors, keep warm, grow in the dark, have hearty meals and cosy nights. Rest your roots because very soon the sky will clear the days will be long and the blooming will begin.


New Year. New You? But why? the 2022 version was enough. Why do we do this? Decide, at the beginning of a year, to create resolutions that basically trample over the complete idea of our current selves. "I'm gonna lose weight, get fit, meditate daily, keep a journal, create shopping lists, save money, not get cross, earn more, save more, spend less". In a single mindful conversation with oneself you have basically crucified your very being by suggesting in some way that the person you are now is not enough. RESOLUTION (meaning) 'a firm decision to do or not to do something' Well. This year my resolution is to choose NOT to do something. I am choosing not to try and change who I am. I am not going to make myself feel like a bad person for enjoying endless amounts of evenings laughing, eating and drinking with friends. I'm not going to try and make myself go to a gym because my waist isn't what is was in my 20's. I might try and be a bit more mindful and find time for myself but am not going to feel like a failure if I don't become a perfect holistic goddess. I am gonna defo get cross, eat too much occasionally, have lazy days, go for a nana nap occasionally and pretend I'm meditating. I AM GOING TO BE ME. I HOPE YOU ARE GOING TO BE YOU. Let's teach our children to embrace who they are, not rack their brains in January thinking of how they could 'be better'. Lets commit everyday to being the best version of OURSELVES not in an idea of perfection. Happy New Year everyone.