Meet Vanessa
About Me
Hi, I'm Vanessa Norwood. 42. Mum to two amazing girls. Wife to my best friend (and worst enemy occasionally) Adam. Mum also to 3 gorgeous whippets. Teacher of Graphic Design at Cardinal Newman Sixth Form College. Primary school governor ( Shout out to St Stephen's Burnley which served me very well from age 4 to 11) and now AUTHOR!
I have been the luckiest girl. I grew up in a lovely home with amazing parents. We weren't rich. We weren't poor. I had everything I needed and more. I wasn't spoilt or over indulged. I misbehaved, chatted back, had a paddy when I had to tidy my room. I worried about things. I got scared. I made friends. I lost friends. I was loved, praised, told off, grounded. I often made my family proud , I also disappointed them. I WAS NORMAL. I WAS LUCKY.
I loved to play. I loved my friends. I loved a laugh. I loved to create. I loved a gossip. I loved an adventure. I STILL DO!
My experiences have shaped who I am. I love creativity but also have a massive passion for young people. So many children didn't, don't and won't have the childhood that I did. A lot of my focus in my career has been about helping children and young people develop and be proud of their achievements. Help them to overcome obstacles and exceed expectation despite preconception. My focus over the past couple of years has been creating Sniggles, Snoggles and Snorts to try and help children in the difficult journey of life. I think it works. I hope you do too. xx